Join us for TWO ghoulish extravaganzas as we celebrate Halloween in Downtown Walnut Creek
Friday, October 27, 2023
Calling all ghouls, goblins, superheroes, princesses & witches!
Get into the spooky spirit on Friday, October 27, 2023 during Walnut Creek's Boo Bash. We invite you and your little ones to trick-or-treat through the downtown at participating businesses during a Spooktacular Stroll from 12pm to 3pm, hosted by Walnut Creek Downtown Association and Broadway Plaza. Starting Location is at the Event Plaza in Broadway Plaza or join us before the event at 11:30am at Barnes & Noble for a Halloween Story Time.
Afterward, head over to Civic Park from 3pm to 6pm where the fun continues with a Trunk Or Treat brought to you by Walnut Creek Arts + Rec. Be sure to mark your calendar to wear your best costume and head downtown to enjoy these ADMISSION FREE events.
Boo Bash Coloring Contest
Participate in the 2023 Boo Bash Coloring Contest!
- Pickup a coloring page (see below for details)
- Color your page... remember, creativity counts!
- Fill in an adults name and phone number on the back of the coloring sheet
- Drop it off at a participating location:
- Spooktacular Stroll (12-3pm) @ The King’s Jewelers
- Walnut Creek Downtown’s Booth (3-6pm) @ Trunk or Treat
- Winners will be announced on Halloween, 10/30!
- Check website and @walnutcreekdowntown Instagram for announcement of our contest winners.
- Winners will be chosen and displayed in The King’s Jewelers (1655 North Main Street)
HOW TO GET YOUR COLORING PAGE: Download the coloring page online, visit The King's Jewelers in Walnut Creek before or during Spooktacular Stroll, or visit Walnut Creek Downtown's Booth at Trunk or Treat.
First Place: Family Pack, 4 Tickets to The Oakland Zoo
Second Place: 4 Tickets to Walnut Creek on Ice
Third Place: 2 Tickets to Walnut Creek on Ice
Sponsored by The King's Jewelers.

Coloring Contest WINNERS