Types of Memberships
Business Improvement District (BID) Membership »
Our business improvement district boundaries cover Civic Dr. to Newell Dr. and N. Broadway to N. California. If your business is within these limits, you are already a member of WCD. The WCD annual membership fee is based on the square footage of each business. The assessment fee is paid annually with the Walnut Creek business license fee. Additional information is available on the BID Membership Page. If your physical business address is located outside of this area, you may choose to join our Association as an Associate Member.
Associate Membership »
Any business outside of the downtown business district can become a member of WCD to receive membership benefits for annual membership fee. Visit the Associate Membership Page for additional information on membership levels, benefits, current members, and more!
Member Benefits
- Opportunities to enhance the downtown experience, including your business
- Connections to city and county resources
- Involvement in Downtown WC-hosted events
- Community Program Partnerships
- Member Resources Page
- Targeted Marketing Opportunities
- WCD Website Directory Listing
- Events Calendar Listings
- Social Media Presence
- Public & Member-Only Weekly
E-Newsletters - 'Stay Connected' Webinars & Business Education Series
4 Ways to MAXIMIZE your Membership
Our website averages over 25,000 unique visitors per month. Make sure your business listing information is correct. Send us your company logo and we will link the listing to your own website. If you have a special promotion or event going on, we can post it on the WCD site calendar. In addition to having a comprehensive listing of all the downtown businesses, our website also contains valuable information on downtown events, programs, and parking.
Social Media
Instagram: 16,800 followers*
Facebook: 13,700 followers*
Walnut Creek Downtown has a strong social media presence on Facebook and Instagram. Send us a photo or video of your promotion or special event, and we will post it to WCD social media. Follow us on Facebook @downtownwalnutcreek and Instagram @walnutcreekdowntown.
Downtown Directories
Walnut Creek Downtown updates a downtown map and Shopping & Dining Guide annually. This directory is available to download from our website’s homepage or you can request copies from our office. The directory is free, so pick up copies to share with your customers or clients.
Are you in our email database? Walnut Creek Downtown maintains two email subscriber lists with over 4,600 subscribers. One is exclusively for downtown business members, and the other is an opt-in public list. Stay connected and receive weekly alerts about downtown happenings, meetings, programs, and special events and promotions. Feel free to send us announcements to share on your behalf.